Time to Pick Up Stones

There must be a time in a day’s rush, stones are dropped along the way. The stones you kept for years suddenly slipped from your hand. The problem occurs when you need to choose to leave it or pick it up again.

You meschild stones pick upsed up with your project and it left you few hours to redo and submit it. Should you say you messed up and accept the fact that you are doomed, full dropped grade of 65 in the subject? Deep inside are voices of frustration. The blame of self. Disappointments cry out loud. What will you do?

Missed your flight back home in a very important day for your family. You promised to buy your kid a bicycle but wasn’t able to save for it. Said you would be 10 minutes earlier for a meeting to close the sale but you are trapped in the middle of the road that was just 5 kilometers from the meeting place. Not to mention the lack of parking lot. Where can you get the inspiration and courage?

In those times, pretending is not a good choice. Not even the best escape plan. This must be a time to swallow your ego and charge it to learning experience. What we missed we can’t change. We can only control what’s in our hand.

The same with relationships. It maybe difficult to pick up some stones dropped along the journey but it doesn’t mean you can’t build your beautiful landscape again. The ties are still there, regardless of how soon wounds would heal. If you can move the puzzle pieces again to see the matchless portrait masterpiece, do so. Your parents are just waiting for you to sing and dance with them again. Your friend would just need your warm embrace and sincere whisper. Your old friend must have thought of you in times of difficulties because you used to be her crying shoulders.

Don’t think twice, just pick up those stones and rebuild again.

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