26 Jun Your 6th Month Ends Now
You have to finish your project before the month ends.
You have to learn the skill before the company fires you.
You have a time to beat. No excuses.
Deadlines are set so we can work with the schedule. We can’t work on one thing for long because we might miss a “golden” opportunity. The 6th month of Year 2017 is about to end. How have we been so far?
It is important to evaluate our actions, revisit our growth plan and consult someone who can help us prioritize things. At times, we may act lazy because of frustration. We grab our favorite chips from the grocery and sit in front of TV or mobile to watch programs all day. We lose sight of our goal because we focused more on small things. We may have been motivated by numerous personalities who are famous in Facebook because they make money. However, this is the reality:
“We already spent 6 months for many things.
We have to make the remaining 6 months of 2017 productive.”
Some people stick to their yearly plan. I admire those people. 🙂 But, to those who felt that they already lost the first 6 months of this year, here are some activities that we can include in our growth plan:
- Know where you spent most of your time with. Time is investment- make time work for your growth.
- Challenge yourself to read more books. Begin with a book that can help you with your chosen field or a biography (of a brand or a person) book.
- Meet new people in your field. There’s no harm in meeting new people in an event or business meet-ups.
- Practice telling a story. Someone says that life is a series of presentations. So be relevant, engaging and inspiring in any healthy discussions.
- Know where else you can make money from. Learn other skills that can generate an income. Sell a product or service you believe in.
Recently, I was with my friend who co-owns 2 businesses. He made me realize one thing that I have been missing out- I have a gift in connecting with people. If I bank on that skill, the possibilities are endless. Then, I asked myself, “What opportunities have I missed in the past 6 months because I didn’t use my skills well?”
We only have 180+ days left for 2017. What’s your gameplan?

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